I know that it'll not be forgotten as aforementioned in my previous post, but at least you're somehow liberated a bit from guilt created by those mischievous doings. Aside from that, at least you'll know that you can start again and build a stronger foundation that will not easily collapse since you know better. Learned from the past mistakes that I made and work on it so that it'll never happen again.
I'm just overwhelmed at this moment. At least someone understood that I did not do it intentionally and was just driven by my fervent heart. I'm glad that this time I'm not the one to understand but I'm the one one to be understood. I'm glad that my immaturity was apprehended by someone more mature.
Another fact that I've learned is that a real friend would know better. Through the course of actions that I made, one things for sure, that person is a genuine friend worth keeping forever. I'm happy that the person stayed and not left me astray. I really appreciate that and more reasons that I owe myself to that individual. I'm thankful that there are still people around me ready to forgive and understand someone like of my stature.
This year is good. There's too much twists and turns and the more reasons you look forward waking up from your bed and face another day of your life. This ends my post. 'Till next time.
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