Beauty and the Beast. This subject is a veritable storm of contradiction. Every
detail must be perfect, every line straight and every flaw concealed. Weakness must be routed. Sloth eradicated. Yet, under this foil of faultlessness, Libra/Ox hides a secret. On the strict surface, Libra/Ox is efficiency and power, example and security. Underneath? An anthill of conflicting emotions. Purity charms this sterling character. He claims not to want any messes about. He protests he needs calm and cannot live in turmoil, Yet, Libra/Oxen are forever getting themselves involved in emotional scrapes. Even though they seem to be above it all, they take in strays. They seek out madness. They are magnetized by complexity. The love life of Librans born in Ox year roil with complications. Nothing is simple - even in the bedroom where arcane tactics and multiple fantasies abound.

— The New Astrology by Suzanne White
I like the description that I had for my astrological application in Facebook. Somehow it’s correct. Though I’m not a firm believer of fortune telling and astrology, it suits me. It tells somehow a piece of who and what I am. I like how it tells that beneath the strong facade I show to people, I am just emotionally wrecked. It tells as well how I like to involve myself in complex matters. Though not bluntly told, it seems that it’s trying to say that I enjoy more when I endure hardships. I slightly disagree in a way with that but it seems that it’s how my life is ever since. Complexity drives me to move forward.
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